We at Dyno use two slightly different clones of the Lawicel CANUSB USB can interface.

Full instructions for setup and troubleshooting with socketcan on Linux can be found here.

Here are the necessary steps in short form:
  • Copy 90-slcan.rules from this repo to /etc/udev/rules.d/.
  • Copy the contents of the slcan folder in this repo to /usr/local/bin and make sure the scripts are exucutable.
  • Run sudo apt-get install can-utils at in a terminal.
  • Add can, can_raw and slcan to /etc/modules as a list (each goes in a separate line).
  • Restart the computer.


With this default setup, the speed of the CAN bus is set to 1000 Kbit/s

We also have a PCAN-USB interface.

To test that everyting is working, connect an interface run candump can0 in one terminal and cansend can0 123#DEADBEEF.

You should see the message you sent in the terminal where you ran candump.